Is Idaho Going Full Solar Power By 2025?
We're going to go ahead and assume that you're currently powering your house by a conventional method. Electricity. Gas. Steam. A couple of hamsters running around on some wheels you have hooked up to your power grid. You know, the usual methods.
Are you one of the few people who are powering your house via solar energy in Idaho? Then you're definitely ahead of the curve. The question is, will everyone have to switch to solar power in the Gem State moving forward?
As it stands, over 13,000 homes in Idaho are getting their power from the sun, which is a massive increase from the year 2016, when less than 1,000 homes were solar powered. That's a lot of people adapting to the new technology in a short amount of time.
Some homeowners believe solar power is the future, saving you hundreds on your utility bills, being a safer technology, and better in times of inclement weather. Others think solar power is just a flash in the pan, and isn't a reliable power source for your home. Believe what you'd like, but as of the writing of this article, there is no plan in place (that we could find) that hints toward Idaho becoming a state fully dedicated to solar power for every home.
So rest easy knowing that you don't have to (currently) dish out a bunch of money to convert the entire power system in your home. Enjoy that electricity or natural gas.
Just be sure to charge a few flashlights. Ya know, just in case.
Award Winning Solar Home With Pool For Sale in Grand Junction
Gallery Credit: Alicia Selin