If you would have told me a year ago, or even six months ago, that we would be fighting over masks, I would have thought you were crazy. Yet, here we are in July of 2020 have heated debates over masks which health professionals say could lower the spread of COVID-19.

As numbers of cases surge in the United States, many major chains and retailers like Walmart, Target, Albertsons and more are requiring masks in their facilities-- no matter the local ordinance or lack thereof.

Just announced today, McDonalds will be the next major chain to make the move to require masks. McMask, anyone?

The change takes place on August 1st, 2020 and will require everyone going INSIDE of McDonalds, any location nationwide, to wear a face covering. Of course, no mask is required for the drive-thru, however staff will be wearing theirs! Be safe out there, Treasure Valley!

KEEP READING: Learning From Mistakes During the Spanish Flu


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