Is it just me or is no one putting a high priority on pro sports coming to Boise? I can hear it now: "iDaHo iS cLoSed AnD dOeSn'T nEeD aNyMoRe TrAnSpLaNtS!"

You're right - it doesn't; but we will never stop that from happening and I'll tell you right now if more people moving to the Treasure Valley means we finally get a pro sports team, I am all for it.

A proven history

There is no doubt that Boise could support a pro sports team, but would it just be restricted to Boise and not Nampa or Meridian? Doubtful.

Imagine a pro sports team that could represent the entire Treasure Valley... we could certainly keep "Boise" in the team name like... the "Boise Mustangs"... okay, that sounds a little more like a high school team name than a pro sports team but you get the point.

We decided to break down the top reasons why Boise is ready for a pro sports team and the results are glaring: give us that NFL team... NOW!

Will 2023 Finally Be The Year Boise Gets A Pro Sports Team?

Will 2023 be the year that Boise gets a professional sports team? Here are our top reasons why it should!

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

Look, since we're on the subject of things that Boise needs, why not a Whataburger? No - seriously.

It seems that a majority of people in the Treasure Valley are okay with In-N-Out's arrival, but why can't we actually get a solid burger joint that the people of Boise, Meridian, and Nampa deserve?

Let's look at the top reasons why we need a Whataburger in Boise... ASAP.

While We're At It, Can We Get A Whataburger in Boise?

If Boise were to ever land a Whataburger, Boise would instantly become the burger capital of the world. Here are six reasons why...

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

As the old saying goes: if you give a mouse a Whataburger... he'll ask for a Shake Shack...

Why Stop At Whataburger? Can We Get A Shake Shack While We're At It?

Yes, it's great that we're getting an In-N-Out Burger in Boise. What we really need, however, is a Shake Shack.

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman

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