If you're not from Idaho but have lived here for some time, chances are that you've had your "Idaho moment." If you haven't lived in Idaho, however, we found the moment that you've been waiting for - the one that tells you: "You live in Idaho now."

Idaho: Where It's Cool To Be Sheep

Okay, sorry, we had to. But seriously, Idaho is one of the largest producers of wool in the entire country and among the top ten in inventory for sheep and lamb according to the Idaho Department of Agriculture. It's not just wool either, according to IdahoPreferred.com, sheep and lamb also produce milk, cheese, and more.

With Idaho's sheep and lamb industry being so essential, it should come as no surprise to anyone when Idaho makes an event out of a necessary task.

Moving The Sheep

Idahoans far and wide gathered along Highway 55 on Monday to witness shepherds herding sheep along the street and into the hills for the spring season. It was quite the spectacle and even those in the Facebook group 'Boise - Bad Driver Spotted' who were unfamiliar with the annual event shared their confusion/frustration with the traffic jam in the group.

Let's take a look at the most adorable reason Idaho shuts down the roads once a year.

A Look At One Of The Most Adorable Traffic Jams in Idaho

The reason behind this massive traffic jam along Highway 55 in Idaho is truly adorable...

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

At least this traffic jam wasn't caused by something like a traffic sign gone wrong... you know, like what happened in Star that left many people scratching their heads. Like, honestly, how can you explain the typo that went viral? Let's take a look...

Idaho's Viral Traffic Sign Typo

What was going on over in Star, Idaho?

Gallery Credit: Credit: Mateo, 103.5 KISS FM

If you think that's awesome, check out some custom tailgates made for Idaho that might be mistaken for the real thing. Maybe you can throw a sheep in there?

Hilarious Idaho Tailgates That Are So Real They Should Be Illegal

What in the actual blue hell is going on here?

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

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