Meridian Ranks Top 10 for Places to Live In American Today
Looks who making news in Meridian, Idaho, YOU. The city is booming and the country is taking notice. Meridian was just voted the 9th best place to live in America. That's a pretty damn good indicator of what's to come in the future.
I'm no expert but if the cost of living continues to climb in Boise, this means more people moving to Meridian.
Don't be shocked because I've lived in the biggest cities to the smallest. I was once offered an opportunity and a good friend asked me to compare the quality of life. I feel like I've always been in a position where other people are trying to moving towards major cities. I'm flattered and who knows what the future holds. This is what I know about living on the fringe of Meridian. Quality of life is fantastic and I'm not shocked.
When was the last time you read a feature on how bad it was to live in the Treasure Valley? I grew up in Houston and I miss my family the most because traffic is HELL. Crime is real. The quality of life isn't worse it's just different. I love the fact that Mayor Tammy in Meridian shows up to support our events. I feel more secure pulling up to a stop sign in my city versus in L.A. I love seeing the mountains and adore the people. I'm 15-20 minutes from everything and you can't beat that. It's not fun spending hours in your car wasting away life just so you can reach your occupation. When do you live?
The Village at Meridian really helped make this area the epicenter of the city. Growth continues to flourish and it's fun to be a part of that. I'd get you a house asap!
If anyone asks, It sucks living here and traffic is terrible. Oh, let them know that people are rude. We also hate craft beer. I think that should do it! Let's keep our city a secret