Not The Way They Planned: Utah’s Travel Alerts
Coronavirus has changed the way that all of us live our daily lives. The way we shop, the way we do (or don't) recreate, and I think it is fair to say that we will always view health and illness a little differently as all of this passes.
Travel, of course, as much as anything, has been impacted by the virus and the stay at home orders that have been implemented by many states.
Last week, I let you know that beginning on Friday (just three days ago), the State of Utah would be using cell tower technology to "ping" an Emergency Alert System message to any person entering state lines. The message linked to a travel declaration that was required of any recipient in order for the state to measure statistics related to cases and potential cases of coronavirus.
Well, the system launched just fine and it worked....maybe it worked too well? Far more alerts than anticipated were sent out and some recipients received as many as 15-20 alerts to their phone alone.
As of today, Monday April 13th, the State of Utah has shut down the service and they say they have no plans to re-institute.