In case you haven't heard, some folks weren't happy about Boise Pride. Perhaps they hate having fun, or have some unexplainable hatred of bright colors, but people are mad.

Not everyone, thankfully. Thousands of people showed up for the City Of Trees to celebrate our queer friends and family, and it was an amazing event overall. We just wish it could've lasted longer.

Good news. The tweets about Boise Pride last forever! We've gathered some of our favorites, from both ends of the spectrum, and they're definitely worth a read. Here we go.


If you saw more than one shiny astronaut at Boise Pride this year, we're going to have to figure out which one this gentleman is.


This was just cool. Shout out to Utah Pride for being an amazing ally!


John used social media to try and launch a straight family pride parade. Nobody likes John. Don't be like John.


We agree. Money needs at least 90 minutes or we don't get the full experience.


Look at that gorgeous man on the left. We know him!


Baby girl. Do you really think we can fit all this pride into just one month? We clearly cannot.


Annnnnnd that's why you don't wear cargo shorts in public.


All jokes aside, thank you for being a part of Boise Pride this year, and supporting our amazing queer community here and across Idaho. Sure, some people are always going to cry and be mad about something, but we'll continue to be out in these streets spreading love, positivity, and acceptance.

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