Sometimes humanity is vile, indecent and downright awful. Other times humans show such compassion, love and generosity to strangers it is inspiring.

89-year-old Derlin Newey is a pizza delivery driver in Utah. At 89 the man is kind, friendly and just trying to make ends meat by delivering pizza and smiles to customers. He was working about 30 hours a week and had no idea that one delivery would changes his life. One afternoon Derlin delivered to a home he had never been to before. He had no idea that the family he was bringing pizza and smiles to were Tik Tok stars with a big following.

What seemed like the start of a simple money for pizza exchange turned into a heartwarming, friendly conversation that Derlin didn't realize was being recorded. The Tik Tok stars (@vendingheads) adored the man and his kindness and felt compelled to share his story. They posted the video of the interaction online and it went viral. People fell in love with Derlin and wanted to know how they could help.

The couple created a Venmo account exclusively for Derlin - he had no idea. Just in the first day it earned about $900. They let it keep rolling and it got up to $12,000. Most people were only donating from $1 to $5 with a few $10 and $15s in there. Thousands of people donated. When they presented the money to the kind man at his home, his initial shocked reaction was "no. How Come? Why Would you do such a thing?"

Then the video shows him getting emotional "My gosh. I don't believe this." Hugs, love and appreciation filled the home and sweet Derlin now only has to deliver when he wants to.

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