Once upon a time, in an apartment not so, so far away lived a black and white cat named Dakota.  His one mission every Christmas?  Destroy mom's holiday joy by sitting in the Christmas tree, taking all the decorations off the Christmas tree and well...just torturing the poor Christmas tree. This year he took it to a whole 'nutha level.

Sure, it was cute when Kota used to sit in my Christmas tree.  He was also about 19 weeks old and weighed like 3 pounds.  As he's gotten older and way bigger, his mission to destroy Christmas has gotten even more extreme.  Five Christmases ago my dad found a screaming deal on a gorgeous pre-lit tree from Target.  I bought it as my first big kid Christmas tree and it's made my apartment so cheery since then...until Tuesday morning when I woke up to find that in the 10 minutes I was in the shower and couldn't keep my eyes on him, Dakota chewed through the wires on the bottom section of the tree.

Completely devastated, I did some price comparisons online and found an absolutely gorgeous 6' pre-lit tree at Kmart for $60.  Imagine how devastated I was when he did the exact same thing to my new tree THE NEXT MORNING!  So, I ended up restringing the bottom section of the tree myself and banishing Dakota to my bedroom (I love having the litter box in there..sarcasm) for the rest of December.

Needless to say, we have some listeners out there that dug up some pretty classic cat vs Christmas tree memes and shared them with me on Facebook. Beth Wilch left this gem for me and if you're a cat owner you know this is EXACTLY what Christmas is like!

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