With the weather as nice as it's been, a lot of Treasure Valley hiking enthusiasts are taking to the trails, but are the valuables you leave behind in your car safe?

The Ada County Sheriff's department wants to remind you that even though the Treasure Valley is regarded as a relatively safe collection of communities, they've seen an uptick in car burglaries this week.  On three separate occasions thieves have smashed through car windows to steal purses from vehicles parked at trail heads.  The break-ins happened near Polecat, on Bogus Basin Road and the Eagle Sports Complex.

Two of the victims say their stolen credit cards were used before they were able to call and cancel their cards.

As a runner, I'm sometimes too trusting and leave items out in my car when I go hit the Greenbelt or trails, but I'm planning on changing up that routine to keep the windows of my new car intact and my valuables with who they belong with...me!  If you're heading out to enjoy nature during the unseasonably warm temps, make sure you take a couple extra seconds to stash your valuables out of view or take them with you.

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