It doesn't matter HOW many times I've opened Twitter today (shameless plug, you can follow me @MateoRadio) there seems to be a trend amongst my friends that either live here or are from here: ONE tweet wasn't cool.

Perhaps you're familiar with the solar eclipse that will be happening in a matter of weeks. It's happening on August 21st and hundreds of thousands are flocking to the Gem State in hopes to get the best look at the eclipse that won't happen again in our lifetimes. Small towns with populations under 5,000 are expected to have over ten times the visitors, street traffic, and back-up generators are even being rented by these small towns. Just this morning at the barber shop, someone mentioned that their in-laws are renting plots of their pastures to campers for upwards of $3,000 a night!

For whatever reason...Idaho was LEFT OUT!  This is garnering quite the reaction from both local media and more.



Anyone else catch this? HI! WE'RE IDAHO AND WE EXIST!

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