Dates Are Set For 2021 Western Idaho Fair
As more and more light at the end of this "COVID-19 tunnel" becomes visible, some promising news out of the good folks at the Western Idaho Fair is giving us here at 103.5 KISS FM some serious hope.
We don't need to tell you about the cancelations, postponements, and closures that have ripped across the entire Treasure Valley and State of Idaho over the past 12 months. Today, one year ago, marks the beginning of this pandemic that we all continue to navigate. You name the event: fair, carnival, concert, even WEDDINGS: canceled.
As more and more vaccines become available, it seems like I am meeting more people that have been vaccinated than I am that are getting positive COVID tests back. All of us--literally the entire globe--wait patiently to see what is next.
For folks here in the Treasure Valley, the Western Idaho Fair is an annual staple to summer life. Elephant Ears, Pronto Pups, and those lemonade's that come out of the giant lemon shaped booths.
With plans to move forward in 2021, there are some actual dates on the calendar for the Western Idaho Fair and according to officials, all cooperation needed with local health officials will be executed--but there will, at this point, be a return of the fair!
Curious as to when it will all be happening at the Expo Idaho fairgrounds? According to their calendars, August 20th through August 29th are the big dates!
Some of my favorite memories here at 103.5 KISS FM over the last FIVE years (wow, time flies) have been at the Western Idaho Fair and while it may not be EXACTLY as we remember this summer, a hopeful return sure feels right.
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