These are just the things I'm not that good at. I've always felt that I would be good but maybe it's just the dad part I'm still getting used to. It's funny because growing up my dad would get stuff and we'd sign the letter.

Fast forward to now and It wasn't really till last year that I realized I'm the dad that is supposed to do that now. It's that learning curve I'm trying to figure out. I asked Mikey Fuentes before he went on-air if this was normal as a dad. Mikey laughed and said, "It always changes! Good luck."

You thought dads were all over the place when stores were open on Mother's Day 😂Keep an eye on your quarantined man because he might need some help. I think it's okay, but my wife took it to another level and used the "good for the show" to make a point to me. Regardless it's kind of funny.

Here's Cat and Nat. My wife loves them.


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