Planning to start your New Year's weight loss resolution NOW, but still want to enjoy a few cocktails at our NYE party?  Here's some tips for imbibing without the weight gain.

I stumbled across an article in the newspaper that explains people normally consume 300-400 extra calories on a day where you're enjoying some drinks.  Total buzzkill.  The good news is, you can still enjoy your booze without packing on the pounds!

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    No More Than TWO Cocktails A Night

    And that means no more than two or three nights a week too!  The fitness gurus say this is a good way to limit how much alcohol can add to the number on the scale.


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    Drink White Wine, Champagne or Clear Liquor

    Fancy science word time: congeners.  These are made as your booze ferments and your body doesn't like a couple of the chemicals in there.  Your liver should be focusing on burning up your food, but it has to kick it up a notch to process these.  It can't focus on your food or fat at that point.  Lighter color boozes contains less of these.

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    Choose Mixers With High Quality Ingredients

    You can't go wrong with fresh ingredients!  Pick things like lemons, limes, mint, honey and sea salt instead of things with added sugar in them.  Run the opposite direction of pre-made mixers.

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    Have A Healthy Dinner

    If your tummy has a good meal in it before you start drinking, you're less tempted to grab high calorie snacks after you've had a few.  I always crave a massive amount of Pie Hole if I drink on an empty stomach, so this one is definitely a must follow tip!  Plus, it'll help stave off your hang over headache the next morning.

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    Give It A Spritz

    When I did Nutrimost, I could enjoy a glass of wine (4oz) from time to time.  That doesn't seem like a large volume of wine to enjoy with a meal.  So how do you make it last?  Make a white wine spritzer with half soda water and half wine.   That doubles the volume, but cuts the calories in half!

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