If you've read my blogs in the past or listened to me on the radio there's a good chance that you've might of figured out that I'm a car guy. One clue is that recently I owned 9 cars simultaneously. I only own 5 today but that's besides the point... I think...LOL.. the point is that a license plate can be a very cool element of your vehicle. Here are some of my favorites....

EEW A BUG - on a Volkswagen Beetle

VLAD THE - On an Impala

UR NEXT  - On a Herse

SNAKE - On a Viper

TIMELESS - On a DeLorean

ACELER8 - On and Audi R8

Recently a man claiming to be an atheist in Kentucky got involved in a 3 year legal battle with the state transportation department over being denied the license plate...    I'M GOD. According to the associated press- TEGNA... "Hart's request was denied by the state transportation department on the basis it violated antidiscrimination guidelines. News outlets report similar plates had been approved before, including "TRYGOD" and "NOGOD."  So what happened? Did he get the plate?

In an opinion Wednesday by a U.S. District Court in Frankfort, the judge ruled “vanity plates” are private speech protected by the First Amendment and that the state had violated Hart’s rights by denying him the plate. Is this an example of people taking advantage of our laws or the case of a citizen exercising his rights? You tell me.



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