The NBA finals are more exciting that ever in my opinion, because Drake is sitting court side at the games looking like a whole zaddy. But that doesn't really matter, all that really matters is that Keke and I are on opposite teams here. He's rooting for the Warriors because they always win and he's a bandwagon fan, and I'm rooting for Toronto because I'm smart and it's the 6's time to shine.

This is where the bet comes in to play. Keke is so sure Golden State will win, that he offered up a bet. I quickly said I'd choose to take his Jeep for a week. Hair blowing in the wind like I'm back in Seattle in my Saab convertible. He already had his bet ready to go. And he smoked me.

If the Warriors win, Keke wants me to approach this guy I briefly dated with flowers, an apology and an invitation on a date. Now, if that doesn't seem bad enough, there's more to the story. This is a guy who works in our building and now parks at the end of the building and walks in the back door and up the back staircase to get to his office to avoid me now. And if my beloved Drake falls short, I've got to do all of this knowing that my upper-hand will now be gone and so will my pride.

What I'm asking is for your prayers and well wishes for Toronto tonight as they head into game four. I just need two more wins. Two more. Hopefully tonight is one of them.

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