Typically my weekend trips are reckless. I cram as much as humanely possible into approximately 48 hours. Seattle weekends are always messy for me because I have more people I want to see than I have time for and always cut it close on timing, especially when it comes to my flights.

That includes my Friday flights after work. I'm at work pretty late most days and have a lot to do before I can leave for the weekend.. and then had a last minute meeting pop up when I needed to leave, so I ended up in a really weird situation with socks and sandals at the port. Honestly, it was so comfy though. The tennis racket is my sister's, she left it in my car last week when she was in town so I really carried it on. Two firsts in one flight, that I barely made.


My best friend Shea scooped me from Seatac and first thing first: a mani and pedi complete with champagne at this place she just discovered in West Seattle. I loved it! Definitely my new spot when I'm in town. It's slightly more expensive than the Queen Anne nail shop I've been going for years, but come on, they give you champagne. Worth it.

Then we went to Ballard for happy hour with a bunch of my girlfriends! Little Tin was so cute and had a dope patio but super limited seating and a $70 cheese platter. Who spends $70 on cheese?!



We migrated around Ballard for the rest of the night and lost and added people to the mix as the night went on. I knew I had to be up early for my cousin's baby shower, so I cut myself off pretty early to ensure I was fully functioning in the morning. Mission accomplished. I even had my retainer in by the end of the night.



My cousins and I are really close in age and grew up just a couple blocks away from each other, so we've been best friends our whole life. It's really the best time every time we're together.

Britt isn't into showing her baby bump, so you can barely tell she's pregnant in her white flowy dress! We're all super hype for her and her husband Mike to have a baby. My other cousin Heather set up the prettiest shower. She's a great party planner so it went off without a hitch. There was even a flower crown station! So dope.


After hitting the City Church in Kirkland with my family on Sunday morning, I went to Alki with Shea before she had to go to work for a bit. My friend Tariq and I bopped Alki all afternoon and did the whole Cinco de Mayo thing complete with mojitos, longboards, a fake steak chimichanga and a heated conversation about religion. A weird combo.


Shea linked back up with us and we kept bar hopping and suddenly it was time to leave for the airport, but not before a guy told me that I look like I have a cat based on the sweater I was wearing. To be real, he's right. But I have two.

Since I love to push my time to the last minute and Shea was hungry, we stopped by 13 Coins by the airport at got some food. This was a poor decision. I did not have time to get food, especially not at a fine dining establishment. There was no time at all actually, and I fully missed my flight.

The gate closes 10 minutes before departure, and I missed that gate closing by about 90 seconds. There's a list of things in my mind that I know would've gotten me on that flight: not stopping at the bathroom, not missing an exit, not taking that one more picture.

But all in all, the flight was gone. And it was the final flight out of Seattle to Boise. I had to get picked up again and go back this morning for the first flight out at 6:30 a.m, which meant I wasn't going to be in the studio for most of the show. I called Keke from the airport and did parts of the show via the phone so that worked out, but I've really decided I've got to get better at time management. It's not even that I'm late, I'm just really trying to do 10x more than I ever have time for.

My active effort from now on will be: take the things off your plate that you don't have time for. Prioritize. I really can't do more than I physically have time for. It doesn't usually bite me like it did this time, but this time it did and I've got to do better with time!

SO: goal of the week for me is to GET. MY. LIFE. IN.ORDER

The silver lining was that I ran into a friend at Seatac this morning. We got to catch up and spend a few minutes together walking to a gate, and that was a dope slice in the midst of chaos and no sleep and stress.

Plus, sunrise flights are way more aesthetically pleasing than night flights.





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