National Children’s Book Highlights Boise with Daily Activity Guide
Boise this, Boise that, Boise's BACK! Check out this amazing new children's book that is interactive with your kids about Boise. The coolest thing about this book is you don't need kids to want this on your table.
Welcome to the City of Trees! That's the headline in this new children's book entitled, 50 Cities of the U.S.A. I immediately gravitated towards this book in an article based on the illustrations by designer, Sol Linero. All of the graphics are spot on and visually stimulating. So, what is this book about?
50 Cities of the U.S.A.
I'm going to quote directly from the forward of the book which is written by Gabrielle Balkan.
The maps in this book have been designed to tell a story.
I like the way the author is trying to paint a picture of a city and bring it to life in a few pages. This is equally brilliant because it's a talking point to educate your kids about our country and have fun at the same time. I was a terrible Geography student, but things might have been different if books like this would have engaged my interests.
A Day in Boise
Balkan, gives you insight to things Idahoans can do if they're living or visiting in Boise. They do a great job of giving you a list of things starting at 9 a.m. with a slice of Huckleberry toast. Visit Albertson's Stadium at 4 p.m. to meet mascot Buster Bronco. They go into some great history of Boise including background on Kristin Armstrong, floating the river, Old Idaho Penitentiary to Bogus Basin. Sol, does great illustrations of Salt Lake City, Seattle, and more.
You can find the book online or locally at Barnes and Noble or Amazon. This 100+ page masterpiece of history retails for $30 and I've seen it as low $20. They have smaller versions, but I love this larger size book.Do you want to win your own copy? Just click through to Friends with Benefits. This definitely makes a great gift or awesome picture book with facts to details for your kids. I bet you'll learn at the same time 😀