Black Friday Shopping Tips, From Twitter
Twitter is one of my personal favorite platforms. I don't tweet a lot myself, but it's the first place I go for information. It's instantaneous. News breaks first on twitter.
One of the trending topics yesterday was people offering their solicited advice about the best ways to handle the RECKLESSNESS that is Black Friday. Here are 10 of the more "interesting" tips (you can see a whole lot more at the link below):
- "Keep calm and save your energy for Cyber Monday."
- "You will be tempted, but the best buys are seven days after Black Friday."
- "Check for summer clothes for the best deals, but if you plan to buy for the cold days, get a pair of good coats."
- "If you don't know what you want to buy ahead of time, don't buy anything. Impulse shopping will kill your wallet."
- "If your mall opens at midnight shop between 5 a.m.-8 a.m. when there are no crowds."
- "Be. Kind. To. Retail. Workers."
- "Don't buy stuff that you actually don't need/things you just buy because of a great price. We must stop overconsumption."
- "Don't buy things JUST because they're on sale...If something costs $1000, and it's on sale for $750, and then you decide to buy it, you did not save $250. You spent $750."
- "Use websites like (Amazon) or a quick search HotUkDeals to check the price history on the product you’re buying. Nine times out of 10 it’s been that price or often even cheaper before. Don’t be fooled by marketing gimmicks."
- "Stop fighting over a product, it's not worth it, I saw two ladies fight over a toaster that they could get in a different day, it was so stupid. Also stop treating workers like crap and stop going crazy over stuff that you'll probably return the next day."
If I'm honest, I haven't participated in Black Friday shopping in years. I'm typically hanging with my fam, doing my Christmas decorations and eating leftovers on that day. I'm much more of a Small Business Saturday shopper myself.