Governor Little came out last week and extended our current stay-at-home order through the end of April. That's good and bad news, depending on what you believe.

This all falls in April which is also Child Abuse Prevention Month. I've been working hard with several people for years to help prevent kids from getting abused. I know we'll fall back because we can't be out right now and it's up to us to make sure our friends are safe. We can't assume someone else will keep an eye out.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 isn't going to help the situation. This is when the household atmosphere can change overnight, which could lead to some very tragic outcomes. Think about it like this,

  • The family is either working from home or not working at all.
  • Children are staying home from school and having to stay at home inside.
  • Tempers rise because everyone is not used to spending 24 hours a day with each other.
  • Someone can snap because abuse already lives in that house.

Here are a few ways you can help.

  • Talk to your friend that you might think is in a bad situation working from home or lost a job. Check on them.
  • Reach out to make sure someone's children are okay, especially if you know there is danger in the house.
  • Call 911 if you must because that might be someone's only chance to survive. Unfortunately, if you know about it - this becomes your responsibility.
  • Get someone out and take them to the Women's & Children's Alliance. Everyone stays anonymous, and their identity will be kept quiet. Call them.
  • Call FACES in Boise. What a great place for victims.
  • Worst case just call 911 or 211.
  • Find more information with Engaging Voices

I was watching Lady Gaga's project, One World: Together at Home. There was ad that came up after a performance that promoted the same scary message that we're talking about right now. Domestic Violence calls have risen this year compared to others. This coronavirus isn't going anywhere anytime soon and we need to keep an eye out for our neighbors and friends 💙

Don't let this quarantine destroy someone you know. Be the outlet for them.

I hope this helps someone.

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