Week number two of the Secret Sound Contest is driving everyone crazy! What is the Secret Sound? Let's take a look a the first clue to taking home over $1200 dollars and that trip to Las Vegas with Bruno Mars.

Bruno Mars New Year's Eve Celebration At The Chelsea
Getty Images for The Chelsea

The Secret Sound is back and has already towered over the $1200 mark. Just by hearing the sound on 103.5 Kiss FM - Boise's #1 Hit Music Station, call in, be the ninth caller, and you instantly win if your guess is correct. What would you do with all that money in Las Vegas, Nevada? That's the trip you would also win with your traveling money. What kind of dress would you buy for the Bruno Mars concert? That is ALSO added to your winnings. You could buy several trendy dresses in those amazing outlet malls in Vegas.

I don't want to brag, but let's just say I'm speaking for the entire Kiss FM Squad. THIS IS A DREAM WEEKEND AWAY! I don't think that is an understatement.

Las Vegas Strip "Business as Usual"
Getty Images

We need a winner because there is a massive show, destination, party, dream tour, bucket list event, that is waiting for you after Secret Sound #1. Have you been keeping up with the guesses? Did you hear the sound yet? We've made it so easy this year with a place with the guesses one by one and the sound listed for you to replay. Someone will win very soon as we give you this bonus.
The Secret Sound Location Diagram is here. Take a close look at this diagram and check the rooms by room looking where this sound might reside. If you figure out which room it might be in - just guess what is in that room and then it's easy! Think VERY closely about what could potentially be making that sound by the room it might be in. You got it? I'll post up that diagram below and then link you to the previous guess and actual Secret Sound.

We've marked an X over the rooms that have been eliminated.


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